
Merle Vau

Merle Vau

Yoga trainings in Estonian and English by yoga therapist/trainer Merle Vau
Reception time: from Monday to Friday 9.30 to 17.00
The first lesson-consultation (90 min) 40 EUR, next lessons (60 min) 25 EURPlease register by phone or e-mail

Phone: +372 50 11 990

Maria Kristiina Jõgi

Maria Kristiina Jõgi

Maria Kristiina Jõgi
Mental Well-being Coach, Access Bars Practitioner

Services and prices:
Session length 1 hour.
Price 50 euros for returning customers, 60 euros for new customers.
My working languages are Estonian, Russian and English.

  • Mental well-being counselling, polytherapy – a practical psychology-based talk therapy that gives the client, through self-analysis and independent tasks, full confidence that they are responsible for their own life and well-being and are able to make the desired changes.
  • Access Bars session – gently stimulating 32 points on the head to release outdated thought patterns stuck in the brain and body. Read more here.
  • Energetic Balancing – balancing the body’s energy centres and releasing energy blockages. Helps to relieve stress and quickly achieve mental and physical relaxation and well-being.

Making an appointment:
Book a session:
Please let me know as soon as possible if you need to cancel a session. If you cancel less than 24 hours in advance, please be prepared to pay half of the session fee as I have reserved that time for you.

My interest in mental health and wellness began with my self-search and personal therapy. I have some personal experience with pregnancy crisis counselling, family and couple therapy; the methods of gestalt therapy, emotionally focused therapy, psychodrama and constellation. Through that personal experience I have come to realise that for any therapy to yield lasting results, I have to assume full responsibility and do the work myself; the therapist’s role is merely to support, guide and provide the tools. When I adopted this attitude, I felt that my life improved so much that I wanted to share the positive experience and pass it on.

My first diploma is in linguistics: I am an English teacher and translator. Early in my career, I worked in the field of customer service and in the bank; the desire to engage in professional work led me to cooperate with translation agencies, and so my first big dream, to become a translator, came true. When I became a parent, my personal and my family’s needs once again drove me to seek, study and research. My interest in parenting and children’s mental and physical development led me to study to become a nanny. For several years I worked as nanny and co-owned several childcares, and next, logically, became a teacher, combining my interest in psychology, linguistic skills and work with children. Having discovered that I could bond with “special” children, I have been more involved in supporting children with special educational needs in recent years as a one-to-one teacher and support person.

My best self-care is my alone time in nature with my dog, nature photography, and solo and choral singing.

  • 2022-2023 Energetic Balancing 4-weekend Courses. Conducted by Kristiina Kuusing.
  • 2022 Eesti Teadlike Terapeutide Kool Polytherapy Practitioner (Mental Wellness Coach) Training Level I and II. This is a therapeutic method based on practical psychology, developed by Maria Baydar, where the main focus is on unlocking and harnessing the full potential of the person as a whole.
  • 2020, 2022 Access Bars Practitioner one-day training.
  • 2018-2023 various pedagogical and psychological trainings, including support for children with autism and ADHD, KiVa basic training
  • 2014 MTÜ Perekasvatuse Instituut Nanny level 4 vocational training

Additional information:
Tallinn University Translation, MA studies
University of Tartu English Language and Literature, Master’s degree

Facebook: Mänguvilla Teraapiad

Rainer Mere

Rainer Mere

Contact: +372 56966245

Mental health is a positive concept related to the wellbeing of people and communities. The concept relates to the enjoyment of life, ability to cope with stress and sadness, the fulfilment of goals and potential, and a sense of connection to others. Mental health is about wellness rather than illness and is not merely the absence of a psychiatric disorder. Like physical health, mental health is not fixed, rather it exists on a continuum, or range: from positive, healthy functioning at one end through to severe symptoms of mental health disorders at the other. A person’s mental health moves back and forth along this range during their lifetime, in response to different stressors and circumstances. Just as poor physical health can cause physical illness, poor mental health can lead to mental health problems.

Each person’s story is unique, which is why an individual and flexible approach to counseling can`t be overemphasized. As a psychologist, I value a collaborative approach that reflects each person’s unique goals and values. While counseling, I use a variety of evidence-based approaches and best practices that have stood the test of time.

I mainly use CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy), MI (motivational interview) and various coaching techniques. Over the years, I have worked with adolescents (worked as a school psychologist and as a psychology teacher) and adults, both in the public and private sectors. For the past few years, I have worked mostly as a mental health advisor, consulting companies on topics surrounding mental health and well-being at work, developing frameworks for health promotion and providing individual counseling sessions and resilience trainings to support the mental and physical health of employees, thereby promoting health behaviors in the workplace. I have a degree in Psychology (MA) and over the years I have attended various in-service trainings and courses. I am a certified worksite wellness program manager.

The rule of thumb would be the following – if you feel that it has become more difficult to cope with problems and attend to routine daily activities, then it would be a good idea to see a psychologist.

First session, 80 min / 85 €
Recurring session 60 min / 70 €
Languages: Estonian, English

Contact: +372 56966245

Arno Baltin

Arno Baltin

Graduated from the Tartu University in 1984 as a psychologist and teacher of psychology. Has worked as a social skills trainer and lecturer at Estonian universities. Currently working at Tallinn University, where he teaches academic courses on negotiation, mediation, time management, and teamwork.

Studied communication skills training under Henn Mikkin. Have been conducting social skills (listening skills, interviewing skills, negotiation skills, mediation skills) trainings for different professionals.
Studied mediation and mediation skills training under Arthur Trossen (Integrierte Mediation e.V.)
Studied Motivational Interviewing and trainig MI skills through the Estonian Motivational Interviewing Association.


Family mediation – facilitating the resolution of divorce disputes.
Workplace reconciliation – facilitating workplace conflict resolution.
Time Management – individual counseling

Life style changes – individual counseling by Motivational Interviewing.

Eha Rüütel

Eha Rüütel

Eha Rüütel
Lahenduskeskne loovteraapia, nõustamine, supervisioon ja kursused

Registreerimine vastuvõtule:
Telefon +372 56 475 876

Vastuvõtu hind:

  • Teraapiaseanss, nõustamine, supervisioon 40 EUR

Keeled: eesti, inglise ja soome

Eha Rüütel on omandanud lahenduskeskse psühhoterapeudi kvalifikatsiooni Helsingi Psühhoteraapia Instituudis, on kaitsnud magistri- ja doktorikraadi psühholoogias Tallinna Ülikoolis ning rahvatervise magistrikraadi Rootsis (Nordic School of Public Health), praegu töötab kunstiteraapia professorina Tallinna Ülikoolis.

Lahenduskeskne loovteraapia on suunatud tulevikule ja lähtub eeldusest, et lahenduste leidmiseks on probleemi põhjuste väljaselgitamisest olulisem selgitada välja soovitud olukord ning seada selged saavutatavad eesmärgid.  Otsitakse ressursse, tugevusi, toimetulekuvõtteid ja tegevusi, mis on varem edu toonud ning millest oleks kasu praeguses olukorras. Ollakse veendunud, et muutus on võimalik, muutused toimuvad kogu aeg ja võivad toimuda erineval moel. Lähtutakse põhimõttest, et klient on oma elu ekspert ning teraapiasuhet käsitletakse koostöösuhtena. Sõnaline suhtlus seansil kombineeritakse vajadusel pingest vabastava lihtsa kujundilise loomingulise tegevusega.

Lahenduskeskne loovteraapia aitab toime tulla
– erinevate elukriiside ja psühhosotsiaalsete tervisehäiretega
– häiretega pere-, töö- ja koolisuhetes
– kehaga rahulolematuse ja kehaimidži probleemide puhul
– lahenduste leidmisel oma potentsiaali rakendamist takistavates olukordades.

Lahenduskesksesse loovteraapiasse on oodatud täiskasvanud, teismelised ja grupid.

Epp Veski

Epp Veski

Epp Veski
Psychotherapy, health counceling, career guidance

Prices (
1 hour is 45-50 min
1. Psychotherapy, career guidance – 67 E/h (pricelist of Tervisekassa)
2. Biofeedback – depend what and how long 60 – 140 E
3. Groupwork (Transformation Game, Empowerment etc. 100-120 E/h)
4. Discount – 10% children, pensioners and people with special needs.

• 5168747
• ·
• free cancellation at least 24h before

• Tartu University – MD
• Tartu University – Psychology
• Vilnius Institute of Humanistic and Existential Psychology – psychotherapist
• European Association of Psychotherapy – Euro sertificate
• many different trainings

Different problems and needs, excl. addictions and serious clinical diagnoses.

“Look deep inside yourself and you ́ll find all answers there”
“I can only show the path, sometimes help to de the first steps but you need to go and do yourself.”
“Successful therapy when instead of “X did….. or Y …..was happened to me and now I…..” appears “Despite what X did or Y happened I can live my life, feel joy and be happy”