Epp Veski

Epp Veski

Epp Veski
Psychotherapy, health counceling, career guidance

Prices (terviseheaks.eu)
1 hour is 45-50 min
1. Psychotherapy, career guidance – 67 E/h (pricelist of Tervisekassa)
2. Biofeedback – depend what and how long 60 – 140 E
3. Groupwork (Transformation Game, Empowerment etc. 100-120 E/h)
4. Discount – 10% children, pensioners and people with special needs.

• 5168747
• ·terviseheaks1@gmail.com
• free cancellation at least 24h before

• Tartu University – MD
• Tartu University – Psychology
• Vilnius Institute of Humanistic and Existential Psychology – psychotherapist
• European Association of Psychotherapy – Euro sertificate
• many different trainings

Different problems and needs, excl. addictions and serious clinical diagnoses.

“Look deep inside yourself and you ́ll find all answers there”
“I can only show the path, sometimes help to de the first steps but you need to go and do yourself.”
“Successful therapy when instead of “X did….. or Y …..was happened to me and now I…..” appears “Despite what X did or Y happened I can live my life, feel joy and be happy”